Soror solis


Soror Solis

Bath Tea

A cooling Bath Tea to keep the Summer heat at bay. This one is packed with herbs that cool the body but are also very closely connected to the moon, so they help to counteract the powerful (and still medicinal) rays of the sun. Full of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, soaking in this luxurious blend will rid your body of toxins, and your mind of worries. I suggest using these Bath Teas under a full or new moon with a journal and a big glass of water nearby. Prepare yourself for a journey.

Ingredients: Peppermint, Monarda, Milky Oats, Comfrey, Tulsi Krishna, Kaolin Clay, French Green Bentonite Clay, Pink Himalayan Slat, Epsom Salt, Magnesium Chlroide, Silk Powder, Activated Charcoal

Directions: Fill tub with hot water, pray/set intentions, place Bath Tea into the tub. Release, rest and shed.

Pay what you can:

$11 for one

$20 for two

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Soror Solis

Moon Wax

This medicated massage candle is made for you to luxuriate and bask in a slow rhythm.

This body oil is bountiful in Vitamin C, polyphenols (fatty acids that benefit our skin), and lignins necessary for combatting & preventing the presence of free radicals due to overexposure of UV & other various forms of pollution.

This Moon Wax is helpful for protecting us on an energetic level as well; Yarrow & Black Walnut Hull are often used in protection rituals to cast a shield or protective bubble around the user. The flowers of the Chinese Balsam plant are renowned for their ability to heal burned skin; whether that be from the sun or from an accident. This is a double-extracted oil making the medicine twice as strong.

Ingredients: Black Walnut Hull, Chinese Balsam, Chamomile, Yarrow, Rose, Local Grass-fed Tallow, Local Beeswax, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Coconut Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Organic Cold-pressed Olive Oil, Hemp Oil

Crystals: Rhodochrosite – Allows for spontaneous expression of feelings, enhances passion and sexuality. Creates emotional happiness and simulates creativity.

Purple Jade – Clears your head and helps you control and focus your attention. It will dispel feelings of lethargy or exhaustion, and it will help you feel refreshed in body, heart, mind, and spirit.

Rose Quartz –  A universal healing stone versatile in its physical and metaphysical applications. Its vibration is nurturing, gentle, comforting, and reassuring. Its overriding vibration is feminine and strongly associated with the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, and the moon.

Pay what you can:

$30 – 50 for one

$10 – 20 for smaller non-wick version

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Internal or external pain
Sex Magick
Manifestation & Divination work
Grounding through warmth and touch reminding our bodies it’s safe to be aware and awake to presence, pain and pleasure
Providing UTI/reproductive support, cellular regeneration, removal & protection of dark parasitic energies, eradication & barriers from free radicals taken in through the environment we digest.
Metaphysical/Physical infection


Illuminate – Set intention and light candle wick
Immerse – Retreat into a bath, shower, book, etc. for 10 minutes while the candle becomes liquid
Satiate – Pour oils onto your body while honoring a slow pace

Or if you wish to not pour oil onto you dip into it with your fingers and treat it as a medicated salve.


Soror Solis

Flower Essence

This remedy helps to protect energetic boundaries, protect against parasitic energies, protect against ticks, and helps to open our throat chakras to speak our truths

Essence of: Rose Flower, Rose Thorn, Borage, Jade Gem, Rose Quartz Gem, Orb-weaver Spider, Yarrow Flower, New Moon in Cancer

Directions: Pray/set intention before use. Place no more than 10 drops under your tongue or in a glass of water. Use sparingly; a little goes a long way.

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Soror Solis

Ceremony Pipe Blend

This blend was made with beauty, whim, and euphoria in mind. Smoke this before lucid meditation, rest, or midday naps to travel to very special places in & out of you.

Directions: Light the tip to burn evenly, inhale the flame away. Take your time; this blend is designed to be a smooth and slow hitting pre-roll. Honor a slow rhythm

Ingredients: Mullein, Rose, Damiana, Chamomile, Peppermint, Blue Cornflower, Tulsi Krishna

Pay what you can:

$16 for 5 pre rolls

Order on IG by clicking here!

When to Smoke:

Right before bed to soothe your nerves and help prepare your mind and body for rest and to dream lucidly.
During journaling time. Sit with yourself with your eyes closed and focus on a want or desire. Hold onto that thought while allowing any others to come to the surface as well. Do not push them away because that noise is part of what we weave in silence & solitude.
Before your meditation smoke 1/4 – 1/2 of the joint while practicing box breath. Inhale 2, 3, 4, Hold, 2, 3 ,4 Exhale, 2, 3,4 Hold 2, 3, 4. Repeat.
Sex Magick, Manifestation & Divination work. This blend contains mild aphrodisiacs and plants that are connected to both Venus and the Moon. These plants will help lift our desires with the smoke to the Sky Nation honoring our desires, our sensualities, and our sexual and creative natures.
Grounding when anxious or when one feels they’ve ingested too much cannabis. This blend has helped people come down from their highs before when they are too intense.

As an alternative to nicotine-filled cigarettes; I have had many a friend come to me and request a blend that would help them kick their habit, and this blend can help do just that. Whether it’s smoking or another habit that you are wanting to kick come the new year this is a great thing to reach for when cravings hit.
When you need clarity about a situation. This season to me is all about bringing in practices and rituals that help us get closer to our truths and others truths, so we may live fully in our truth with each step we take. Ask a question, smoke, and open yourself to receiving the answer.


Soror Solis


This season’s tincture began under a full moon back in June and processed under the Full Moon on August 1st.

This tincture will help your balance itself if it is feeling overactivated, while adding nutrients to your body. It is easy to deplete ourselves of nutrition and energy during the hot months of Summer, so the Nettle comes in to sustain us.

Milky Oats are used as an aid in heart health, supporting the nervous system, and improving energy levels.

Mullein promotes healthy mucous membranes, soothes inflammation from migraines, and helps calm depression and anxiety.

Overall, this formula helps add minerals to our system, assist us in finding our breath again when we feel empty, and helps our heart and blood.


Take up to 1-3 dropperfuls daily. Place these droppers into a drink (tea, sparkling water, water, etc.) or place it directly under your tongue.

Ingredients: Milky Oats, Mullein Leaf, Motherwort, Nettle, Organic Cane Alcohol, Hand-Harvested Spring Water

Pay what you can 2 oz bottle: $15 – $30

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Soror Solis

Lenitive Potion

Made to lift pain from a heavy heart and body this spray potion has the power to make the room in you to bring in light.

I incorporated plants that help alleviate pain immediately as well as plants that can also soothe and activate the surface of your skin. When the surface of our skin is activated with this spray it promotes circulation above and below our skin touching down to the root and focusing in the base issue causing pain or tension.

This makes a very strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial as well. Use as a room spray or as a hand sanitizer to clear the surface and air of bacteria and parasitic energies.

Ingredients: Rose, Cannabis, Lemon Balm, Skullcap, White Willlow Bark, Ground Ivy, Rosemary, Witch Hazel, Organic Grain Alcohol


Spray directly on your body on areas (muscle, joints, bones, etc.) where you feel pain, tension, and inflammation. Rub into skin and allow to air dry. Spray as needed.

Spray a couple of times into the air to purify it.

Spray on hands or bodily surfaces where you need to sanitize.

Pay what you can: $16 – $36

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Soror Solis

Drinking Tea Blend

A Summer-time drinking tea perfect for hot sunny days & nights. Cools down internal system, adds vitamins & minerals back to the body, and is perfect for relaxing. Made for magical late summer nights, feeling whimsical and free, embracing your dazzling beauty.

Mindfully grown & harvested. Organic No Pesticides

Ingredients: Rosa canina, Turnera diffusa, Verbascum thapsus, Mentha x piperita, Tanacetum parthenium, Morus rubra, Althaea officinalis, Leonurus cardiaca


-Tea: Add 2 tbsp. to 8 oz of boiling water. Let sit for 10-15 minutes. Optional: add maple, agave, monk fruit or honey.

Infusion: Add half of the jar to 8 oz of boiling water. Let sit anywhere from 20 minutes to 24 hours. Optional: add maple, agave, monk fruit or honey.

Pay What You Can:

  • $1 Organic Cotton Tea Bag (1)
  • $16 – $25 4.5 oz heart jar

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Soror Solis

Face & Body Clay

This facial scrub & mask is meant to be applied to both face and body. Use to even complexion, pull debris from pores, and to add a summer glow to your face.

Directions: Directions: Mix powder with water, honey, milk, or orange/rose water until desired consistency is reached. Apply to face or body. Let dry. Rinse off, tone & moisturize.

Ingredients: Rosa canina, Achillea millefolium, Fucus vesiculosus, Larrea tridentata, Glechoma hederacea, Calendula Officinalis, Juglans nigra, Conyza canadensis, Bamboo, Sodium Bentonite, Calcium Bentonite (sourced from Mojave Desert), Himalayan Pink Salt, Kaolin Clay, French Green Clay, Activated Charcoal

Pay What You Can:

  • $25 – $45 Full 10 oz bottle

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Soror Solis

Face & Body Oil

For luminance, anti-inflammation, calling in beauty, summoning elements of Fire and Water, and strengthening our Third Eye & Crown.


Ingredients: Salvia rosmarinus, Rosa multiflora, Rosa rugosa, Heterotheca inuloides, Salvia apiana, Erigeron canadensis, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E oil, Cold-pressed Olive Oil, Carrot seed oil

Pay What You Can: $20 – $30

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Soror Solis



Pay What You Can:

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