Prima vera


Prima Vera

Bath Tea

Directions: Fill tub with hot water, pray/set intentions, place Bath Tea into the tub. Release, rest and shed.

Juniper Powder, Yarrow, White Willow Bark, Saca Manteca, Silk Powder, French Green Clay, Kaolin Clay, Bamboo Powder, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate, Tea Cedarwood EO, Rose EO

$11 for one

$20 for two

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Prima Vera

Moon Wax

This medicated massage candle is made for you to luxuriate and bask in a slow rhythm.

This body oil is bountiful in Vitamin C, polyphenols (fatty acids that benefit our skin), and lignins necessary for combatting & preventing the presence of free radicals due to overexposure of UV & other various forms of pollution.

This is a double-extracted oil making the medicine twice as strong.


Internal or external pain
Sex Magick
Manifestation & Divination work
Grounding through warmth and touch reminding our bodies it’s safe to be aware and awake to presence, pain and pleasure
Providing UTI/reproductive support, cellular regeneration, removal & protection of dark parasitic energies, eradication & barriers from free radicals taken in through the environment we digest.
Metaphysical/Physical infection


Illuminate – Set intention and light candle wick
Immerse – Retreat into a bath, shower, book, etc. for 10 minutes while the candle becomes liquid
Satiate – Pour oils onto your body while honoring a slow pace

Or if you wish to not pour oil onto you dip into it with your fingers and treat it as a medicated salve.

Magnolia, Cannabis, Dandelion Flower, Kokum Butter, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Hemp Oil, Vitamin E Oil, EVO, Mindfully & locally harvested Beeswax

$20 – 40 for one

$10 – 20 for smaller non-wick version

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Prima Vera

Incense Cone

These Spring incense cones are made to cleanse a space energetically and physically. These smell like a forest dream, and are especially great for those who are entering newness in their lives.


Maca powder, Sandalwood, Palo Santo, Juniper Powder, Orris Root, Rue, Mugwort

Light the tip of the cone for a few moments until it catches. Send prayers up above.

Rolled In: Lavender & Rose

Box of three cones: $7 – $11

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Prima Vera

Ceremony Pipe Blend

An incredibly strong blend for sleep aid, resting, and lucid dreaming.

When to Smoke:

Right before bed to soothe your nerves and help prepare your mind and body for rest and to dream lucidly.
During journaling time. Sit with yourself with your eyes closed and focus on a want or desire. Hold onto that thought while allowing any others to come to the surface as well. Do not push them away because that noise is part of what we weave in silence & solitude.
Before your meditation smoke 1/4 – 1/2 of the joint while practicing box breath. Inhale 2, 3, 4, Hold, 2, 3 ,4 Exhale, 2, 3,4 Hold 2, 3, 4. Repeat.
Sex Magick, Manifestation & Divination work. This blend contains mild aphrodisiacs and plants that are connected to both Venus and the Moon. These plants will help lift our desires with the smoke to the Sky Nation honoring our desires, our sensualities, and our sexual and creative natures.
Grounding when anxious or when one feels they’ve ingested too much cannabis. This blend has helped people come down from their highs before when they are too intense.

As an alternative to nicotine-filled cigarettes; I have had many a friend come to me and request a blend that would help them kick their habit, and this blend can help do just that. Whether it’s smoking or another habit that you are wanting to kick come the new year this is a great thing to reach for when cravings hit.
When you need clarity about a situation. This season to me is all about bringing in practices and rituals that help us get closer to our truths and others truths, so we may live fully in our truth with each step we take. Ask a question, smoke, and open yourself to receiving the answer.

Directions: Light the tip to burn evenly, inhale the flame away. Take your time; this blend is designed to be a smooth and slow hitting pre-roll. Honor a slow rhythm

Damiana, Chamomile, Mugwort, Peppermint, Mullein,

$16 for 5 pre rolls

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Prima Vera


This twice extracted tincture is an excellent source of vitamins. It is especially great for helping with bloating and cramps, tonifying & strengthening the blood, and balancing energy.


Take up to 1-3 dropperfuls when needed daily. Place these droppers into a drink (tea, sparkling water, water, etc.) or place it directly under your tongue.

Stinging Nettle, Hibiscus, Goji Berry, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Grain Alcohol

Pay what you can: $15 – $20

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Prima Vera

Lenitive Potion

Probably one of the strongest liniments I have used or made to date. This formula was triple extracted, and wow can you feel it…

Made to lift pain from a heavy heart and body this spray potion has the power to make the room in you to bring in that light that we oh so desperately crave in the Winter.

I incorporated plants that help alleviate pain immediately as well as plants that can also soothe and activate the surface of your skin. When the surface of our skin is activated with this spray it promotes circulation above and below our skin touching down to the root and focusing in the base issue causing pain or tension.

This makes a very strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial as well. Use as a room spray or as a hand sanitizer to clear the surface and air of bacteria and parasitic energies.


Spray directly on your body on areas (muscle, joints, bones, etc.) where you feel pain, tension, and inflammation. Rub into skin and allow to air dry. Spray as needed.

Spray a couple of times into the air to purify it.

Spray on hands or bodily surfaces where you need to sanitize.

Cannabis, Wild Magnolia, White Willow Bark, Yarrow, Rue, Cleavers, Flor Manita, Chaparral, Magnesium, Grain Alcohol, Witch Hazel, Marshmallow Leaf & Root, Ylang Ylang EO, Mugwort EO, Fresh Mugwort Leaf, Hand collected Spring Water

Pay what you can: $30 – $40

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Prima Vera

Tea Blend

A cooling springtime blend. A great tea for keeping our gut clean. A tea perfect for warm sunny days. Helps balance blood sugar levels, balance energy, and add vitamins & minerals back to the body.


-Tea: Add 2 tbsp. to 8 oz of boiling water. Let sit for 10-15 minutes. Optional: add maple, agave, monk fruit or honey.

Infusion: Add half of the jar to 8 oz of boiling water. Let sit anywhere from 20 minutes to 24 hours. Optional: add maple, agave, monk fruit or honey.

Flor Manita, Elderflower, Peppermint, Blue Cornflower, Nettle, Mugwort

Pay What You Can:

  • $5 – $7 Organic Cotton Tea Bag (4)

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